Advisory Services

Aniemax Capital  Advisory Services is a trusted provider of portfolio related services to creditors and participants in the debt-sales sector.

  • Loan-sales advisory services for banks, finance companies and corporate   credit grantor’s
  • Securitization of collateral for bank insurers and financial guarantors 
  • Resale’s for debt buyers
  •  Assets back loan liquidation and securitization trustee, residential mortgages, business loans and equipment leases, credit cards, unsecured consumer loans, and secured consumer loans and leases.
  •  Corporate Restructuring and turnaround  management,
  • Financial, Capital, Organizational and projects  Restructuration
  • Due diligence and valuation services. Structured finance, Advisory services
  • Turn Around Management of Distress companies, turn around maintenance and management (TAM), 
  • Recover management, Interim management services,
  •  Business Outsourcing Processing (BPO)
  • Distressed Asset Acquisition for turn around management Corporate (B2B) debt portfolio  purchase and collection including the following options:   

Wholesale purchase from Banking institutions and corporate entities portfolios of non- performing loans and defaulted non-serviceable packets of invoices. The proceeds can be resold at a wholesale rate or subjected to debt collection procedures in which at least 80% of the debt can be recovered, while 20% will be for debt services.